

The get access to this data set, simply, install the lottodata package via GitHub and type lotto_demograpics into R.

lotto demographics

The variables included in the data set:

Variable Description Type of variable
zip_code The first 3 digits of postal code (geographical region) string
geo_id Geography ID integer
income Per capita income levels integer
education Highest completed level of education for the population float
mbsa Proportion of time spent in white collar employment. White collar
employment is defined as the proportion of residents aged 15 or
greater employed in management, business finance and administration,
health, education, law, social community and government services,
art, culture, natural and applied sciences and related occupations,
according to the National Occupational Classification
ses SES was calculated via takling the sum of the Z-scores of it’s
per-capita income, years of education, and proportion of white-collar
description Describes where the location is in natural language string

Example exploratory data analysis:

# EDA via base R

demographics_eda <- function(x){
  hist(x, col = rainbow(30))
  data.frame(min = min(x),
             median = median(x),
             mean = mean(x),
             max = max(x),
             sd = sd(x),
             range =max(x) - min(x) )


#>     min median     mean   max       sd range
#> 1 18753  27690 31481.41 55569 10021.89 36816